The Journey

The Journey
Excited and Nervous

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

From the roots to each and every leaf

Has someone every just left you at a loss of words with their words? I love to write and as such, I love to read as well.  Never did I think I'd meet someone who not only wanted to write for me, but could write so well. Aah, sweet bliss. But, for the first time, I'm at a loss of words and experiencing writer's block. But something is screaming inside me to talk about it, to write about it....and so, I'll try.

She's prayed for HIM for so long. She's prayed for him with an unrelenting breath that she thought she'd suffocate and die. She's prayed for him on bended knees that now have a permanent memory of knees to floor. She's prayed for him with tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat. She's prayed for him when in her heart, she knew he didn't exist. She's prayed for him and though she knows she doesn't deserve someone so wonderful, so loving, so sensitive, so confident, so giving, so romantic, she will hold on to him as if her life depends on it....because it does.

Her breath now seems shallow and the beating in her chest so much more urgent. One would compare this to a heart attack, but isn't that what love is? An attack on the heart? Love heightens your senses, sends messages to your brain and pumps hormones through your body, so strong that it feels like your heart will collapse. Isn't that splendid? Isn't that grand? Who doesn't want their heart to be attacked by that kind of love?

She's met him....after countless, unloved years. I know that many have said they've met their soul mate, only to find out it was just one lonely heart reaching out to another.  I know that many have said this is the one, only to find that it was just a momentary lapse of judgement. I know many have said they've found that yin to their yang, only to find out that what you felt was a lust and not a love. When you can truly say you've found love, true love, you're so protective, so scared to share it, that you keep it bottled in, only giving hints here and there so as not to scare yourself into a false realization that it is too good to be true.

But, let me tell you something, it's hard to keep something like that bottled up. It's hard to not want to yell it loud and proud. It's like a seed that was planted, nurtured and loved, as it grows, it's beauty spread to each limb and each and every leaf and without any work, now the entire world can share in its beauty watching it's blossoms open and expose an inside so fragile and so beautiful.

Bamboo Love
Dear God......

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

If I could hear from the casket, what would they be saying about me?

Death is so final. I get chills when I think about it. It's not that I'm afraid to die (though I don't want to die in certain ways). I know we all will die. I just hate that we don't know when. Actually, I guess that is better, isn't it? If we all knew when we'd die, things would be boring. God's design is such that we must try to live each day as if it were our last because in all reality, it could be. What troubles me is that we refuse to realize this fact, and as such, we allow so much time to pass by without doing things we ought to be doing on a consistent basis: like tell people how we feel, live life to the fullest, love hard and stopping to smell the flowers.

I got a call last night from someone who at one time I considered my sister, my BFF, my 'nothing could come between us' friend. She and I had not spoken in about a year. We had a 'disagreement' and due to pride, I never reached out to her. We'd been friends for fifteen years, sharing in each others' happiness and sadness and it's hard to swallow but I let that all go due to pride. She texted me to tell me a mutual friend had died suddenly. Now, when people say 'suddenly', we take that to mean that they weren't sick and there was no indication that they were going to pass away. Guess what? There never is any indication. NEVER!

Instead of texting her back, I picked up the phone and called her. I didn't even think twice. It was nice to hear her voice, even if it was under those circumstances and it put a lot into perspective for me. Just like that, I could have gotten news that she had died and vice versa. It didn't feel good. In fact, it made me rather sick to know that I could have lost her without even saying I was sorry or "I love you". It hit home hard.

We talked about the death of our friend and all I could keep saying was, 'wow, that doesn't make sense'. Well, guess what! It made perfect sense. We are not promised tomorrow, not one of us are and the sooner we realize that, the better off we'll be, the more we'll enjoy life and the sooner we'll forgive those who wronged us. I know I have and will.

I may not speak to my 'friend' again but I let her know I loved her and that's okay with me. Sometimes, the people you love most are not supposed to be in your life. If they are, they'll end up there....again. So, tell them you love them and let LIFE have control. I hate living with regrets and I have made it a point to try to avoid that at all costs. It's a struggle on a daily basis but what I've learned is that God only gives us what HE knows we can handle. He also assures us that HE is right there beside us to help us through.

What will they say about me when I die? At that point, it won't matter to me, will it? But, I'd like people to say, 'she lived life to the fullest', 'she was a good person', 'she loved openly', 'she (followed by all good things). I'm going to try to do my best in this life. With that in mind, I'm going to continue on loving unconditionally, forgiving quickly and living like I'm dying, because guess what?! I am. We all are.

1 Love all-I mean that ;-)

John 14:1-4 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”

Monday, October 15, 2012

Felt like no time at all had passed

It's crazy how when you get in the company of people you haven't seen in eons how it feels so comfortable, so right. I guess that's how friendship works. You just gel. You just fill in the gaps. We couldn't stop hugging each other. Twenty plus years had passed and thank goodness for FaceBook, I've been in contact with these two ladies for the last year or so. So, let's do the math. Technically, I have been out of contact with them for nineteen + years and physical contact for more than twenty.

Well, fate brought us together this past week and I have to tell you, it felt great. I happened to be in Florida for one day, only one day and I wish it were longer. After high school, I had to leave for the states. I lost touch with everyone. I do mean everyone and over the years, we all grew up and went on with our lives. As fate, love and friendship would have it, we found each other again and have been keeping in touch via social networking. Some may say FaceBook isn't all that, but I must tell you that FaceBook has taken me on fantastic journeys into memory lane.

I saw my two girls, now women and the genuine emotions were so strong and so lovely. Though our time was short, the love will live on in infamy for another  twenty years. I'm just going to have to make sure we don't allow too much time to pass before our next reunion.

God is good.....all the time.

Love you ladies <3

You know I do.

A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. Arnold H. Glasow